Monday, May 7, 2012

End of an Era

So Friday was a big day in the Santiago house.  Lila's last day of nursing.  Mom's last day of nursing.  I am so thankful for the gift I've had in being able to nurse both of my kids.  I'm just as thankful that it's time to move on to cow's milk!  Lila has refused to take a bottle since December, so needless to say, I feel a little freedom right now that I haven't felt in months.  Lila and I have not been away from each other for more than 4 or 5 hours in quite some time.  I think she's a little tired of me!  She's still a mama's girl, but stopping nursing will probably change that a little bit.  I don't know if mentioned in a past post, but Lila also gave up her paci a few months ago.  It didn't really seem to soothe her much, so we just stopped giving it to her and she never missed it.  So, until potty training, I don't think we have any major transitions.  She now has 7 teeth!  Another good reason nursing is over.  She is still a little high maintenance but she is such a happy baby.  She smiles so big and so often.  She loves her Daddy, her brother, and her Yayee.  Already a little flirt!  Not walking yet, but I bet she will be in the next month.  She's also started dancing.  She get's her rhythm from her mom.  Dancing mainly consists of head bobbing, but it's pretty darn cute. 

Benjamin is doing great.  He started playing tball.  He loves it, and we love watching him.  It is priceless.  No matter what, every time he runs to home plate he slides.  It's a must!  That's what they do on TV.  It's been a really fun experience for all of us.  He's signed up to play indoor soccer this summer.  I kind of hope he doesn't like it!  I like baseball way better!  His vocabulary has majorly increased in the last month or so.  He has full conversations with me just like a little adult.  His imagination is still crazy.  He's Mrs. Hill's favorite at school.  She says he's so much fun to interact with.  She says he's very smart.  Just last week, he actually asked to go to school.  That's a major accomplishment!  I really hope he loves school.

Hector and I have waged war on bedtime again!  We have officially decided to end Ben's nap unless there's something special happening at night.  When he doesn't get a nap, he falls asleep in his bed at about 8 and typically stays in his bed through the night.  So, no break for mom during the day, but a much more peaceful and restful evening for all of us.  Hopefully, Lila will continue to be the awesome sleeper she is so that mom can keep getting to sleep through the whole night!  She wakes up about 6:30AM but I refuse to go get her before 7AM, so she dozes until I do.  Ben typically get's up around 7:30AM.  Now I just have to start getting my happy but out of bed about 6:30AM so I can have my coffee and devotional time.  Makes such a difference when I choose to start my day that way.

Life at the Santiago house is full of love and craziness as always.  Everyday I wake up so overwhelmed with the blessings God's given me in my treasure of a family.  Hector and Ben get out of school in a few weeks and we're going to have an awesome family summer!  Can't wait for all the adventures my husband leads us on.  And I can't wait for a few adventures we get to take just the two of us now that Lila and I are detached!  Thank you Lord.  How could I ask for more!

Also, forgot to mention, we went to the Botanical Gardens and got some precious pictures of the kids.  Thanks mom for your help!