"Come here, give me your hand" she excitedly requested
She took my hand and plunged it into her stomach.
"Can you feel that?" "Right there!" "How about that?" excited that I would be able to feel the baby kick.
"Um, no honey I can't the doctor said that we may not feel him kick until after week 24" I stated to her.
"I'm telling you, I can feel him" she continued to repeat to me as she tried to convince me that I could"
For a few weeks now Jill could feel little butterflies in her belly. She did not feel strong kicks but could feel the baby turning and fluttering around. With an eagerness to have more communication with the baby we invested in a baby monitor. No, not one of the ones you get at Babies R' Us, but a real one a doctor would use. We went to a website called www.babybeat.com and rented one for a few months. Was the price inexpensive? NO, NO, and NO, but for every time Jill wonders why the baby is not moving it has come right handy.
After I came home from the hospital, I got another one of Jill's feel this. I kept telling her I won't be able to but I sat up in the bed and leaned into her. Again, nothing.
"Wait, wait" she hushed me and....
There he was my first kick, I felt my little boy kick me like three times. What a rush I think I missed twenty minutes of the movie we were watching. It passes by so quick, and you have this desire to make him kick on command. I found out that they are not that obedient in the tummy.
That was not a little butterfly kick, That's a Big Butterfly kick.
God bless the tip taps from the inside.
Jill's thoughts: This was the coolest moment. I had been feeling him move for several weeks, but I had no one to share it with! When Hector finally felt Ben move, the look was priceless. The side of his face was attached to my belly for the next half hour. It's such a blessing to see my husband so excited about this baby.
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