We just started working at day camp at church. Monday was awesome god really gave us an awesome opportunity to work with the kids from the church. Jill had to work a couple of days during camp this week but she planned on being there for three days to help with Noah. We decided to go eat out at Estella's, a small Mexican restaurant, down the street. After dinner I wanted to go to a game store to see if they had some karaoke games for Friday. As we turned on to Cooper st. from Arkansas, a diesel truck swung out and brought traffic to a complete stand still. Some how some jerk turned the corner and clipped the car behind us causing it to slam into the rear of our car.
"Honey, are you O.K!" I asked Jill as the white Buick zooms past us to get away. The car that hit us had a father and two kids. We pulled off the road and as soon as Jill got out they freaked. The back end of our car was worth about $9000.
We had the rental car for about a month. We called Jill's doctor and she had us go to triage and get checked just to make sure. Everything was fine but it gave me comfort knowing that we were for sure O.K. Jill was confident the whole time. Seems like being scare is going to be a regular thing with Ben growing up.
Jill's thoughts: This was definitely not the way we wanting to end the evening. It's amazing to me how expensive a wreck can be that wasn't your fault. In the end I think it ended up costing us around $750 out of pocket. Not to mention the decrease in value of my pretty car! But we really didn't care much, because we were just thankful that no one was hurt. It made me grateful to be driving such a safe car. Somehow the wreck broke my seat, but didn't hurt me! Sounds like another God thing! :)
When we were at the hospital making sure everything was okay, Ben kept kicking the monitor on my stomach. It was really funny. I don't think he liked being spied on! But he was perfectly fine, and we got to go home after a couple of hours.
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