So this Christmas was a white Christmas! What are the odds? It was great and made for some great Kodak moments! There's nothing cuter than a one year old bundled up and playing in the snow.
On Christmas eve, we always go to Mama Joys in the afternoon about 3 and then head to Hector's moms at around 6. We went to MJs as planned. Ben had fun with everyone but wasn't very interested in his gifts or the wrapping paper for that matter. Then when we left to go to Iris's, we almost slid through the first intersection we came to. So, we quickly decided a trip to Lewisville in this weather was probably not wise. So we headed to Mom and Dad's instead. We didn't want to get snowed in at our house and not be able to spend Christmas with the family, so we spent Christmas Eve at their house. On C.E. growing up, we always were given one gift which were always pajamas and we would drink hot chocolate and watch a christmas movie. Well, since I've been married, I haven't gotten to be part of that tradition b/c we spend C.E. with his family. So, as disappointed as we were to miss spending it with his fam, it was kind of neat to get to be a part of the tradition once again! My husband bought me the movie "this christmas" as an early gift, and that's what we watched! It was great!
Then when we woke up Christmas morning, I took Ben into each room to wake everyone up. What better way to wake up on Xmas?! Then we all went into the den together as always. Ben wasn't feeling all that great... probably had to do with his double ear infection and the antibiotic that hurts his stomach! So he wasn't the happiest baby on Christmas morning, but as always he still behaved perfectly. But once again, he wasn't very interested in his presents. All he cared about was a chair that mom and dad bought him. It's the cutest thing. He'll just lean back in it like it's his own little recliner! Anyway, next year I'm sure he'll appreciate our efforts more, but we still had an awesome Christmas and got some great pictures. We also had Christmas on Saturday with the Tappe side of the family, and then with Hector's family on Sunday night. Ben had a ball at both! See pictures. :)
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