I can't believe how fast Ben is growing up. The first 16 months have flown by! He's starting to talk more. He calls Hector "Da Da" and Sugar "Gur". He definitely has his own way of communicating. Whenever he wants anything, he points at it and makes this funny noise, like he's clearing his throat. Where he got that, I have no idea! He is not only walking everywhere now, but running. The funny part is that his top half moves faster than his feet, so he's always a step away from falling over!
He now has his first official favorite show, The Fresh Beat Band. He would rather watch that show than do anthing. When it's on, he'll either sit in your lap perfectly still or get down and start dancing. The show is about 4 teenagers who sing and dance together all the time. I can't wait to see where Ben's love for music is going to take him. He still loves falling asleep to Alan Jackson's Old Hyms CD, and every morning we listen to our Malt Show Favorites (50's music is still his favorite). In the car he loves the Southern Gospel group, Gold City. What can I say? My son has a wide range of likings. He is at such a fun age. He was sitting in my lap this morning watching his show, and I just closed my eyes and thanked God for the moment and asked that it not pass to quickly! I am so thankful for my little boy.
These are just some of his latest pictures.
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