Since my last post, the major thing that happened is that we finally got another dog on March 1st.... another cockapoo. This time, a black and white girl born on January 1st. We named her Oreo. She is a precious dog. So sweet natured. It's almost August, and we're still working on the potty training thing, but she's almost got it down. And it feels so good to know that when the kids go back to school this year, they will have a pet to talk about! They love her, even though Dad and Mom spend the most time with her.
So, Lila turned 4 in June, and she is now 4 going on 14. She had a Strawberry Shortcake swim/sprinker on the trampoline party at our house. It's amazing the difference between 3 and 4. She's still got the spunk, but it's mixed with some serious girliness. She loves having her nails painted and her hair done. She wants to have a say in her outfits. She loves shoes. And she takes great pride in looking cute. She only wants to watch stuff if it has girls in it. And she would wear make up all the time if we let her! Right now, she sticks to lip gloss. We put her in ballet this spring at Leap of Faith Dance, and she had a ball. She felt like such a princess in her recital outfit with a face full of make up and her hair done perfectly. And it was such a blessing for me to see my daughter dancing to "There is None Like You". She really wants to do gymnastics too, but we are trying to do one thing at a time right now. We don't want to spread them too thin. And Caleb really wants her to try Judo... we'll see! She mastered swimming and taking a breath this summer! That was a major accomplishment for mom. While we always need to watch them closely around the pool, it makes me feel very good that both of my kids know what to do and how to do it if they fall in.
She is so much fun. She is very loving and affectionate. She still has her temper and her dramatic tendencies but she's learning how to reign them in. She understands consequences now, and she doesn't want to have to deal with them, so she responds quicker than she used to. She still socks her brother occasionally when he doesn't give her her way, but it's way better! We went to visit Mere and her family last month, and on the flight there, Lila looked over at me and randomly said, "Mom, when I grow up, I'm going to wear your wedding dress". I would love to know where her mind was to think of that. She has told me already that she wants to marry Gray Cambron, a little boy in her class. Her daddy does not approve! She and I are getting to do girly stuff together like nails and hair and shopping... girly stuff I sure never did when I was her age. But it's lots of fun to do with her now. Next month, Lila starts pre-K with Mrs. Hudgens. I can't believe it. She will love it. And Lucas is repeating pre-K so they will be in class together.
Benjamin is getting so old. He starts 1st grade next month with Mrs. Foster. He learned so much in Kindergarten with Mrs. Jennings. And he looked so stinkin cute when he graduated! He is reading like a champ! We haven't done the best job of making him read this summer, but we're kicking it into high gear the next few weeks. He is so much like me with school. He can do it easily but doesn't necessarily enjoy it. He tells me, "Mom, it's summer. I don't need to read". I think I said that exact thing to my mom when I was young. I sure hope he learns to love school like his daddy. He is extremely witty. His latest thing he likes to say is "Don't judge me". And he loves to get this funny look on his face and put his hands on his hips when he's pretending to be mad. He says one hand is kind of mad, but both hands are really mad. Now he knows to do that whenever he wants to make me laugh and get out of trouble. He still loves to pretend, and he loves to make new friends and have them pretend with him. The only problem is, if they don't want to play his game, he gets very frustrated. He's got such a great imagination, but not all of his friends appreciate it. Instead of playing a game of capture the invisible villain who holds the key to the secret compartment that holds the treasure, some kids just want to play tag! That really bothers him. But he'll have to learn that part of being a good friend is playing what they want to play. We give him that lecture a lot. But we also don't want to stifle his imagination or discourage him from asking random kids to play. But as he gets older, I'm afraid he'll have to learn the cruelness of some kids the hard way.
He still loves to cuddle with his mom and dad, but he also talks a lot about when he grows up and gets married. He's very intrigued by the husband/wife relationship. He had a major crush on a girl named Briley all year. I know Hector is going to have to have the talk sooner than later. Tonight he told us that when he gives his marriage speech, he's going to start out by saying that he doesn't have a job and won't ever have a job because when he has kids he wants to protect them and take care of them, and that will be his job. I hope he marries a career woman! We have begun talking to Ben about the role sin plays in our lives. He's really hard on himself when he messes up. He starts calling himself names. And so, I've really focused on how our behavior doesn't define us. God defines us. He created us just the way we are. We all screw up (sin). And I'll talk about how Hector and I screw up. Then I'll ask if he would want me to call myself those names. Anyway, yet another parenting challenge to tackle. I want Ben to be led by his conscious, but only to the cross! At the end of the school year, Ben came to Hector with a secret he had held for months. Earlier in the year, he had taken a crayon from the teacher, because it was a color he really wanted. Then he started feeling bad about it and wanted to put it back but he couldn't figure out how. Then once school let out, he realized he had missed his chance to right his wrong and he was devastated. He confessed to us like he had committed a capitol offense, poor baby. It was such a sweet teachable moment to show our son grace and affirm his repentant spirit.
We have had a crazy busy summer but it has been great. The family has gone to Salado with me twice. Both kids went to Camp Thurman for the first time and loved it! We've been to NYC to see Mere and the crew. Hector and I went to float the river with some friends. And we just got back from seeing Caleb and Savannah in San Antonio and going to Sea World. The kids also got to spend any Friday that we were in town with Mrs. Jennings at the museum. School starts in about three weeks and it feels like it just let out! And I think Hector has really enjoyed their independence this summer too. It's allowed him to do some of the things he loves to do in the summer, like sleep in! We are still very thankful for our family at Park Row (as small as it may be), and for PRCA. Dad and I chose to join the board this year, and hope to help the school take some significant steps forward. It's neat to really play a role in your children's schooling. We can't wait to see what God will do in and through our family this next school year. Hopefully, I'll update the blog before they are in high school :).
God is good! When the kids leave to go anywhere, we ask them, "What's your job?" To which they reply, "Share His love, shine His light". I want my kids to know that no matter what they do on any given day, their primary mission doesn't change. I hope we're planting that seed. Along the way, Ben and Hector added a part. After they tell us what their job is, Hector asks "Why?" and Ben says "Because Jesus lives"! He does indeed! And before they leave we always remind them that "God goes with you". I learned that from Becky Brooks along time ago. Better to send your kids off reminding them of God's presence that just asking for his blessings. My prayer is that in midst of all Hector and I might do wrong, our children will see clearly how much we love our Lord and depend on Him. I want Ben and Lila to not only believe, but truly be in love with the Lord. And I want their lives to truly be ones that share His love and shine His light for the world to see! Thank you Lord for giving me such awesome kids, and a wonderful husband to share this life with.
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