As the steam from the water filled the bathroom, I lied on the base of the tub wondering what hour it would be for me to see the end. I called out to Jill multiple times, with the shower running, a closed door and a television volume cranked to 9000, she was unable to hear my calls of
despair. The door slowly cracked open as not to allow any of the hot steam out, and a concerned voice came from the other side.
Honneeey, are you o.k.? I don't think you should be in here long you are going to throw-up."
I expressed that I am going to be fine and that all I needed was a bottle of cold water. A few moments later I had a glass of water and then a feeling of nausea. I turned off the water and stepped out toward the
porcelain God and began to give him his sacrifice of water and Angel food cake. Within the next 45 minutes I was rushed to the E.R. with a Fever of 103.5 and diagnosed with a new friend called
cryptosporidium. Over the next few days Jill will be tested.
On June 28
Th, Jill and I took a journey with the church youth group to a local lake
water park. A parasite by the name of
cryptosporidium crashed the party and we never even knew it. The parasite caused me a major case of fever,
diarrhea, and dehydration. And as my visit in room 5029 prolonged, "
crypto" pillaged the church youth group to the number of 30 plus. Thank the Lord that only two people went to the E.R., everyone else traveled only to small doctor visits and some
Imodium kept them at home.
On our first evening in the hospital, Jill spent her journey sitting in an uncomfortable hospital chair from 11 pm to 4 am in the morning, jocking with the nurses and doctor's to pump me with
meds to cure me of any current pain.
"Can we have an extra blanket, he's freezing to death," " His cramping is pretty
excruciating, can you give him something," "When can he get something for the fever, the nurse just took his
temperature and it is still over 102" she sincerely probed for results and made all symptoms worse than they were so that I would get the most attention.
Four a.m., the doctor walks back in with his arms crossed and with a sense of exhausted thoughts, "Well we are going to admit him into a private room on the fifth floor."
Jill only heard "private room", her back and the position of the baby were crying for relief. As the
ceiling lights rushed over my eyes, the short flashes of lights come to slow darkness as a pass through the threshold of room 5029. Ruby my night nurse took care of me, as Michelle my P.T. set Jill up for the night.
"This is 100 times better than the E.R." she softly stated as she fell into a light sleep at this six o'clock hour.
"I'm sorry honey, is there anything you need" a voice of selfish concern came from the dark corner. I responded to her with a no and asked her to back to sleep as that was my intentions as well.
Jill's journey with
crypto began the next day and my competition began with her mom. You see you can't beat the nurturing care of a mother and her sick child. Jill spent the next day wondering if she was a bad wife because she could not come to the hospital. Her mother fed her, loved on her, and came to her beck and call. We spoke on the phone and she built my spirits up at night to help me to sleep. The days
slowly passed and
crypto continued to hang around like an wanted guest.
I worried about the baby but we found out that the baby is in the clear and nothing could happen to him. It just made it tougher on Jill. I would feel the depression and Jill's need for attention and care in a few days.
Jill was settled in on the couch one evening and
beginning to feel the nausea blues.
"Can you get me a
Gatorade" she quietly asked
I went to the refrigerator and brought it back sat down and the next morning when I woke up I felt the wrath of "I'm busting my butt to take care of you and all I need is a little appreciation"
estrogen and the extra stress was a terrible experience for Jill. I sat quietly on the couch and then followed her into the room to comfort her and we talked it out.
Crypto is still vacationing at our house but we are blessed to learn through this difficulty.
Jill's thoughts: My hormones may be a little crazy right now, but my husband, as do most men, makes a pitiful sick person. The combination of the two made for an interesting week together. The good news is, we still love each other!On a brighter note, right before the Crypto scare, we received some great news - we're having a boy!!!! Hector and I were convinced we were having a girl, but God had a different plan. I really wanted a boy first so that he could be the big brother, but for some reason, I really thought I was having a girl. But as you'll see in the sonogram, we're pretty darn sure it's a boy. When we went in to have the sonogram, she told us, "well, those are definitely boy parts". Hector and I looked at each other in shock. It was a very surreal experience. "We're having a son". Hector and I neither one have much experience taking care of baby boys, so this is going to be a very interesting adventure - one we are THRILLED to begin. See the sonogram below that shows the details!