As we speak, I'm listening to my sweet, even tempered child screaming bloody murder in the other room because he refuses to take naps anymore. Where the heck did this come from?
When he first learned to pull up in his crib i thought it was so cute. One morning last week, I was attempting to put him down for a nap. I layed him down, and left the room. At first he didn't scream. He just stood up quietly. I was watching him on our video monitor, which was positioned on the railing of the crib. Then all the sudden, I saw him coming toward me (or towards the monitor). Closer and closer. Then I saw a hand, and then... no signal. Iwalked in the nursery to find my son eating the monitor! Needless to say the monitor has been moved.
Everyone tells me that if you just let them cry, they learn to put themselves to sleep, but i hope that happens soon, because this is killing me. It's killing Hector too. Night before last he couldn't take it anymore and went in there to rock him. Softy! Next week is day camp, so it's going to be really tough to follow a routine, which will probably prolong this challenge!
We actually took him to the doctor on Wednesday, because he's been so difficult to put to sleep, he's had a runny nose, and when he's awake, he's still been very fussy. So, we thought his ear infection might be back. Well, Dr. Harris said, no the ear infection is gone, we just have a 9 month old who has found his voice and is attempting to manipulate us through his tears. I don't beleive it! She also said that all his symptoms point toward teething, but she doesn't see any signs of teeth in his mouth. Go figure!
But with all that said, my son is still the perfect child. We couldn't ask for a better one, I just hate that he is taking so long to adjust. Hearing him cry breaks my heart. It definitely makes us appreciate what a happy child he is usually.
Last night, Ben had his first experience playing the guitar with his Yahster. We got some great video. I'll try to post it soon. He was totally enthralled in the experience. We can already tell he loves music. He stared at the guitar and listened intently to us singing, and from time to time he would strum once or twice himself. He stayed occuppied with that for probably an hour. Who needs toys when you have music! I really hope he loves music as much as I do. I want to raise a singing family like the one i grew up in!
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