Saturday, July 25, 2009

Shake what you're mama gave you!

 OK, so I learned something new yesterday. My son has a natural gift of dance! We had some friends over last night for dinner, they have a daughter a couple months younger than Ben. The two of them were playing in the floor, and every time they hit a button on one of the toys where music began to play, Ben would start moving back and forth and shaking his head. It was the funniest thing. He was dancing. Once the music would stop, he would stop.

So tonight, he's playing on one of his toys that he loves, and he's standing up doing the same thing, but a little less gracefully. And fortunately, we caught it on tape. Be sure to watch the whole thing, because the end is the best part. This may very well be YouTube worthy.

Another new thing he's doing is making crazy faces. They are cracking us up, but we haven't been able to capture them on film yet. As soon as we do, I'll post it I promise. But he looks a lot like I did when I was little.

I'm amazed at how much he's changed and developed even this week. It's unbelievable. He's a different kid than a month ago. As challenging as parenthood can be, it's far more rewarding... an indescribable gift! Ben makes life more fun!

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