So, it's become more and more apparent just how much my son loves music. He would listen to music all day long if you would let him. And he would dance to it pretty much the whole time. Any time music starts, or something that sounds like music starts, including phones and even pans clanking, he starts to dance. He sways back and forth bobs his head, and his latest thing that he picked up is that he snaps. He rubs waves his hands in the air rubbing his first finger and thumb together. It is the most precious thing you've ever seen. We think he picked it up from Dad. He also snaps if he wants you to turn music on.
The other night Mom and I hosted a jewelry party, and Hector had meet the parent night at school, so Dad kept Ben in the back bedroom since we had taken over the den. Mom has all of these singing stuffed animals that Dad has given her over the years for different occassions. Dad spread them out on the bed and let Ben go to town. He was in heaven. He made dad play the songs over and over. He finally fell asleep in the middle of them. Now, anytime he's over there, he wants 3 in particular, Sammy the singing Dog (sings Don't worry, be happy), Jazzy the singing Frong (sings what a wonderful world), and some funky pink guy that sings a disco song. You have to do it a certain way though. He wants you to hold him... and all three dolls. Then he wants you to play one of the songs. I think he thinks theyre all three singing together. It is hilarious. He never gets tired of it, but beleive me we do. But it is so cute that we just keep taking turns doing it. Yesterday, Dad was walking around with Ben and all the dolls and Ben almost fell asleep on Sammy (see picture). He loves them. But he loves his YaYa more. He is so attached to him right now. He would rather have his YaYa over his mom, dad, or nana. That's pretty impressive. I think his YaYa thinks he's pretty special too!
He's at such a fun stage. I treasure every moment.
The other night Mom and I hosted a jewelry party, and Hector had meet the parent night at school, so Dad kept Ben in the back bedroom since we had taken over the den. Mom has all of these singing stuffed animals that Dad has given her over the years for different occassions. Dad spread them out on the bed and let Ben go to town. He was in heaven. He made dad play the songs over and over. He finally fell asleep in the middle of them. Now, anytime he's over there, he wants 3 in particular, Sammy the singing Dog (sings Don't worry, be happy), Jazzy the singing Frong (sings what a wonderful world), and some funky pink guy that sings a disco song. You have to do it a certain way though. He wants you to hold him... and all three dolls. Then he wants you to play one of the songs. I think he thinks theyre all three singing together. It is hilarious. He never gets tired of it, but beleive me we do. But it is so cute that we just keep taking turns doing it. Yesterday, Dad was walking around with Ben and all the dolls and Ben almost fell asleep on Sammy (see picture). He loves them. But he loves his YaYa more. He is so attached to him right now. He would rather have his YaYa over his mom, dad, or nana. That's pretty impressive. I think his YaYa thinks he's pretty special too!
He's at such a fun stage. I treasure every moment.
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