Thursday, October 29, 2009

So much to say...

I am so frustrated with myself for letting almost 2 months go by without a post. Life has been nuts. Since I wrote last, several things have happened.
  • Ben finally cut his first tooth at 11 months, followed by 5 more within the same month, for a total of 6. It was an interesting month. Our precious baby was very cranky and uncomfortable. I would be too if I had 6 teeth gouging through my gums! It didn't help that he was dealing with an ear infection at the same time.
  • With that ear infection, we finally decided to take Ben to Dr. Brown, our chiropractor, to try to help his ears drain. The first couple of times Ben went, he wondered what the heck was going on, but didn't cry. The third time, Dr. Brown made a big breakthrough, but Ben did not appreciate it. He bawled and looked at him like "why did you just do that to me". This last time, our 4th trip, he just layed there like he was getting a massage. I think he likes it now. So far so good, when we went back for our ear recheck, they looked all clear! Praise God. The next cold will be our test, but we're claiming healing!
  • Ben turned 1!!!! See next blog entry...
  • Ben's taken dancing to a whole new place... See other blog entry

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