Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blue Dot Bye Bye?

So a couple of months ago, we bought tickets to a Ranger game, even though it really wasn't in our budget, because the kid promotion for the game was a chest protector backpack. One we knew Ben had to have! So a couple of weeks ago, we weathered the heat to sit through this afternoon game. The first few innings were brutally hot, but it was all worth it because Ben had his backpack and was very proud of it. It was bigger than he was, as you'll see in the pictures, but it was so cute on him. As the innings went by, the weather got cooler. We were having a great time. A couple of Hector's friends from Crowley came with us. They bought Ben a foam finger and a batters helmet! He loved the foam finger especially!

Then the 7th inning came, and so did the dot race. Ben was sitting in my lap, and I started to root for the blue dot, like I always do. Ben started cheering with me... "Go Blue". Blue won the race! And then all the dots left the field. This was very disturbing to Ben. I kid you not, for the rest of the game, "Blue? Blue? Blue bye bye?" Over and over again. I don't think he saw another ball pitched. He kept pointing to the back entrance that they ran out of. Even driving away from the ballpark he was adamant about going back to see blue. We had to explain to him that the game was over and blue went night night.

So now, two weeks later, he still wants to know where blue is. We've shown him the dot race on youtube several times to appease him. If only there were a blue dot stuffed doll. He would be in heaven!

Tuesday was Ben's first day of school, and he wore his Ranger backpack. It's about the cutest picture I've ever seen. I'll post it as soon as I figure out how to sinc my new phone!

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