Thursday, September 23, 2010

Time with Granny

Now a days, it seems like every day with Ben is something fun and special.  He has developed such a personality and he is now saying three word sentences!  I can't believe it.  It's like he's become this little boy overnight.  We're about to start potty training!  Crazy!

Well, the other day, we had an extra special morning.  Ben and I dropped Hector off at work and went to see Granny at the Waterford.  Typically, Ben is pretty apprehensive when we're there, but this day, he was a riot!  He was all smiles and was playing with Granny so well.  She was thrilled.  I actually got a little choked up over it.  Granny has played such a special role in my life, and I'm so thankful that Ben is getting to spend time with her.  Fortunately, I captured some sweet memories of this morning on camera!

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