Thursday, July 31, 2008

It's Getting Bigger

More aches and pains. Jill is starting to get scared about her belly is getting bigger. There is more back pain, swelling feet, heartburn, and many other symptoms of third trimester joys.

"What am I going to do, I still have 3 months, I don't think I am going to make it!" she whimpered with frustrations.

I still get in trouble with the baby emotions, but I think I am handling them better. Everyone knows that I am the lazy one in the family, so this next month I will need to pray for a miracle. I know I will need some sort of mind change to adjust and come through with the extra help I will need to give to Jill. I will let you know how the nursery is starting to look on the next blog.

Jill's thoughts: There are definitely more aches and pains. My first and second trimester were cake compared to my third. Heart burn and swelling are my favorite. I'm even wearing a back brace now because I'm way to front heavy!

Hector can have his off day too, when I swear he forgets that I'm pregnant and expects me to be able to do everything I could before I was pregnant. He'll say things like "You can pick that up, it's not too heavy" or "Why are you tired, we haven't been walking long?" But those insensitive days are few and far between. For the most part, he has been an incredibly supportive husband. And the bigger I get, the more supportive he gets. I think it makes it more real with each pound gained!

1 comment:

barb t. said...

hey,thanks for having me in your blogs! Especially when it's bad like prego my ego!